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On-demand Webinar

Accelerating supply chain transformation with cloud-based fleet planning

Road transportation and fleet management companies compete in a market with fine margins, so IT and innovation budgets are limited. Finding a starting point for your supply chain transformation journey can be challenging. But, leveraging cloud computing capabilities and leading-edge supply chain software solutions combined with high-quality data, logistics companies can deliver cost and efficiency savings while driving innovation.

Join experts from HERE and AWS for a discussion with valuable insights and practical examples on how to optimize supply chains. This session will provide actionable advice on how to:

  • Create a solid vision and clear implementation roadmap
  • Identify projects that deliver performance improvements using endto-end workflows
  • Leverage location intelligence and fleet management to achieve incremental gains
  • Accelerate your transformation journey with cloud services and cloud data management toolkits
  • Achieve better business outcomes with automated fleet management solutions

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